Моностабильный мультивибратор со сбросом , CD4538, 100нс, 6.8мА, 3В до 18В, SOIC-16
The CD14538BM is a CMOS dual precision Monostable Multivibrator provides stable retriggerable/resettable one-shot operation for any fixed-voltage timing application. An external resistor (RX) and an external capacitor (CX) control the timing and accuracy for the circuit. Adjustment of RX and CX provides a wide range of output pulse widths from the Q and Q\ terminals. The time delay from trigger input to output transition (trigger propagation delay) and the time delay from RESET input to output transition (RESET propagation delay) are independent of RX and CX. Precision control of output pulse widths is achieved through linear CMOS techniques. Leading-edge-triggering (+TR) and trailing-edge-triggering (-TR) inputs are provided for triggering from either edge of an input pulse. An unused +TR input should be tied to VSS. An unused -TR input should be tied to VDD.
Retriggerable/resettable capability
Trigger and reset propagation delays independent of RX, CX
Triggering from leading or trailing edge
Replaces CD4538B
Wide range of output-pulse widths
Schmitt-trigger input allows unlimited rise and fall times on +TR and -TR inputs
100% Tested for maximum quiescent current at 20V
Standardized, symmetrical output characteristics
Green product and no Sb/Br
Области применения
Время и Расчет Времени, Промышленное, Оборона, Военная и Авиационно-космическое
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