Температурные датчики для монтажа на плате MAX1668MEE+
Датчик температуры (ИС) , многоканальный, Цифровой, ± 5°C, -55 °C, 125 °C, QSOP, 16 вывод(-ов)
The MAX1668MEE+ is a remote/local temperature sensor with 4 remote and 1 local channel in 16 pin QSOP package. This precise digital thermometer reports temperature of all remote sensors. The remote sensors are diode-connected transistor typically of low cost and easily mounted 2N3904 NPN types that replace conventional thermistors or thermocouples. Remote accuracy is ±3°C for multiple transistor manufacturers with no calibration needed. The remote channels can also measure the die temperature of other ICs such as microprocessors that contain an on-chip, diode-connected transistor. The 2-wire serial interface accepts standard system management buses (SMBus) write byte, read byte, send byte and receive byte commands to program the alarm thresholds and to read temperature data. The data format is 7bit plus sign with each bit corresponding to 1°C in two's complement format. The MAX1668 is used in LAN servers, central office, telecom equipments, test and measurement and multichip modules.
Supply voltage range is 4.5V to 5.5V at TA = -55°C to +125°C
Operating temperature range from -55°C to 125°C
Initial temperature error (local diode) of ±2°C at TA = 60°C to 100°C & ±3°C at TA = -55°C to 125°C
Temperature error (remote diode) of ±3°C at TR = +60°C to +100°C and ±5°C at TR = -55°C to +125°C
Programmable under/overtemperature alarms
Supports SMBus alert response
3µA standby supply current at TA = 0°C to +125°C
Maximum supply current of 700µA at TA = 0°C to +125°C
8bit temperature resolution
380ms conversion time at TA = -55°C to 125°C (From stop bit to conversion complete (both channels))
Области применения
Считывание и Контрольно-измерительная Аппаратура, Потребительская Электроника, Переносные Устройства, Промышленное
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