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Средства разработки Bluetooth / 802.15.1 RN-4871-PICTAIL

Дочерняя плата , PICtail / PICtail Plus, модуль RN4871 BLE 4.2, встроенная антенна
The RN-4871-PICTAIL is a Bluetooth low energy PICtail / PICtail plus daughter board. It is a development board based on ultra compact Bluetooth 4.2 low energy RN4871 module. The RN4871 uses a simple ASCII command interface over UART. The board enables evaluation of the RN4871 and development of Bluetooth low energy applications in two different ways. Firstly when plugged into the USB port of a PC, board will enumerate as a communication device class serial device. Through a terminal program, users can configure and control module and transfer data using the easy to use provided command set. Secondly, as a PICtail/PICtail Plus, the board interfaces to Explorer 8 or Explorer 16 development board. The Explorer 8/16 modular development system works with one of hundreds of available PIC 8, 16, 32bit MCU plug-in-modules. The PICtail bridges the host MCU UART to the RN4871's UART interface for data transfer or configuration using the straight-forward, easy-to-use ASCII style command set.
  • Bluetooth 4.2 compliant RN4871 module with on-board antenna and 2dBm output power
  • Plug and play USB interface for configuring and controlling the module
  • PICtail interface for connection to Microchip's MCU development platforms such as Explorer 16
  • USB indication, module status and user configurable LEDs
  • Coin cell battery, USB or PICtail power options
  • iOS app for demonstration

Области применения

Встроенные Конструкции и Разработка, Беспроводное, Связь и Сеть


RN4871 PICtail / PICtail plus daughter board, Mini-USB cable.
Производитель: Microchip Technology Inc.
Номер по каталогу производителя
Линейка Продукции
Для Использования с
Макетными платами Explorer 8 и Explorer 16
Содержимое Комплекта
Дочерняя плата RN4871
Производитель Чипа
Архитектура Ядра
Подархитектура Ядра
Номер Ядра Чипа
Название Семейства Чипа

98.27 €

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