The SN75ALS160DW is an octal general-purpose Interface Bus Transceiver designed for two-way data communications over single-ended transmission lines. This device is monolithic high-speed advanced low-power Schottky (ALS) device designed to meet the requirements of IEEE Standard 488-1978. The transceiver features driver outputs that can be operated in either the passive-pull-up or 3-state mode. If talk enable (TE) is high, these ports have the characteristics of passive-pull-up outputs when pull-up enable (PE) is low and of 3-state outputs when PE is high. Taking TE low places these ports in the high-impedance state. The driver outputs are designed to handle loads up to 48mA of sink current. An active turn-OFF feature has been incorporated into the bus-terminating resistors so that the device exhibits a high impedance to the bus when VCC = 0. When combined with the SN75ALS161 bus management transceiver, the pair provides the complete 16-wire interface for the IEEE-488 bus.
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