The XTR115UA is a Current Loop Transmitter designed to transmit analogue 4 to 20mA signals over an industry standard current loop. It provides accurate current scaling and output current limit functions. The on-chip voltage regulator (5V) can be used to power external circuitry. A precision on-chip VREF (2.5V) can be used for offsetting or to excite transducers. A current return pin (IRET) senses any current used in external circuitry to assure an accurate control of the output current. The XTR115 is a fundamental building block of smart sensors using 4 to 20mA current transmission. The external transistor, Q1, conducts the majority of the full-scale output current. Power dissipation in this transistor can approach 0.8W with high loop voltage (40V) and 20mA output current.
Low quiescent current (200µA)
5V Regulator for external circuits
2.5V VREF for sensor excitation
Low span error (0.05%)
Low nonlinearity error (0.003%)
Green product and no Sb/Br
Области применения
Обработка Сигнала, Промышленное, Автоматизация и Управление Процессами, Тестирование и Измерение IC can be damaged by ESD. We recommend that all ICs be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.
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