The TPS61170QDRVRQ1 is a monolithic high-voltage Switching Regulator with integrated 1.2A/40V power MOSFET. The device can be configured in several standard switching-regulator topologies, including boost and SEPIC. The device has a wide input-voltage range to support applications with input voltage from multicell batteries or regulated 5/12V power rails. The TPS61170-Q1 operates at a 1.2MHz switching frequency, allowing the use of low-profile inductors and low-value ceramic input and output capacitors. External loop compensation components give the user flexibility to optimize loop compensation and transient response. The device has built-in protection features, such as pulse-by-pulse overcurrent limit, soft-start and thermal shutdown. The FB pin regulates to a reference voltage of 1.229V. The reference voltage can be lowered using a 1-wire digital interface (EasyScale™ protocol) through the CTRL pin. Alternatively, a pulse width-modulation (PWM) signal can be applied to the CTR
On the fly output voltage reprogramming
Skip-switching cycle for output regulation at light load
Built-in soft-start
Up to 93% efficiency
12V at 300mA and 24V at 150mA from 5V Input (typical)
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