Регистр сдвига , Последовательный в Параллельный, Последовательный в Последовательный, 1 Элемент
The NPIC6C596APWJ is a 8-bit serial-in/serial or parallel-out power logic Shift Register with a storage register and open-drain outputs. Both the shift and storage register have separate clocks. The device features a serial input (DS) and a serial output (Q7S) to enable cascading and an asynchronous reset MR\ input. A low on MR\ resets both the shift register and storage register. Data is shifted on the low-to-high transitions of the SHCP input. The data in the shift register is transferred to the storage register on a low-to-high transition of the STCP input. If both clocks are connected together, the shift register is always one clock pulse ahead of the storage register. To provide additional hold time in cascaded applications, the serial output QS7 is clocked out on the falling edge of SHCP. Data in the storage register drives the gate of the output extended-drain NMOS (EDNMOS) transistor whenever the output enable input is low.
Eight power EDNMOS transistor outputs of 100mA continuous current
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