РЧ усилитель , N-канальный, 23дБ усиление / 4.4дБ шум, DC до 3.4ГГц, 5В до 6В питание, SOT-363-6
The ABA-54563-BLKG is a 5V Broadband Silicon RFIC Amplifier offers excellent gain and broadband response from DC to 3.4GHz. This device is unconditional stable combined with input and output VSWRs of less than 1.5 and internal input and output 50R matching, making them easy to integrate into a variety of circuit designs. At 2GHz, the ABA-54563 offers a small-signal gain of 23dB, output P1dB of 16.1dB and 27.8dBm output third order intercept point. It is suitable for use as buffer amplifiers for wideband applications. They are designed for gain blocks in cellular applications, DBS tuners, LNB and other wireless communications systems. At IF frequencies, the ABA-54563 offers good linearity performance with a typical OIP3 of 35dBm at 200MHz. ABA-54563 is fabricated using Agilent's HP25 silicon bipolar process, which employs a double diffused single polysilicon process with self-aligned submicron emitter geometry.
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