Таймер , кварцевый генератор и генератор импульсов, двойной выход, 100МГц, 4.75В до 5.25В, NSOIC-8
The DS1077Z-100+ is an EconOscillator/divider in 8 pin NSOIC package. This is a dual output, programmable, fixed frequency oscillator requiring no external components for operation. The DS1077 can be used as a processor-controlled frequency synthesizer or as a standalone oscillator. The two synchronous output operating frequencies are user-adjustable in submultiples of the master frequency through the use of two on-chip programmable prescalers and a divider. The specific output frequencies chosen are stored in NV memory. The DS1077 defaults to these values upon power-up. The DS1077 features a 2 wire serial interface that allows in-circuit on-the-fly programming of the programmable prescalers (P0 & P1) and divider (N) with the desired values being stored in NV (EEPROM) memory. Design changes can be accommodated in-circuit on-the-fly by simply programming different values into the device.
Supply voltage range is 4.75V to 5.25V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Standard frequency output range from 100.000MHz to 12.2KHz
±0.5% variation over temp (+25°C to +70°C)
±0.5% initial tolerance
Dual low jitter, synchronous fixed frequency outputs
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