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Микросхемы и комплектующие NVR-03

JST, NV Connector Housing, 5mm Pitch, 3 Way, 1 Row, Корпус разъема
Suitable for a wide range of applications, from low-voltage, low-current signal circuits to power supply circuits requiring large currents. Compact connector (mounting height of 16.5mm) with a large capacity (10A). Side stackable. Connectors can be stacked side by side without causing pitch loss, and thus the number of circuits can easily be changed even after the design is finalized.Side stackableConnectors can be stacked side by side without causing pitch loss, and thus the number of circuits can easily be changed even after the design is finalized. This increases the engineer's freedom in designing printed circuit boards.Box contactThis connector has been the box-shaped contact. The reliable NV connector can be used in a wide variety of applications, from low-voltage, low-current signal circuits to power supply circuits having a relatively large capacity.Compact connector with a large capacityEven though this connector has a large current carrying capacity (10A), it is compact, with a mounting height of 16.5mm (.650").Secure contact and mountingThe housing has an arm lock mechanism which prevents the connector from working loose due to vibration. The mechanism also prevents misinsertion (misalignment or reverse insertion).
Производитель: JST Automotive
Для Использования с
NV разъемы
Материал Корпуса
Количество Рядов
Кол-во контактов

42 руб.

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