Development Board , Curiosity Nano, PIC24FJ64GU205, 16 bit PIC24 MCU
PIC24FJ64GU205 curiosity nano development board is a cost-effective hardware platform to evaluate the PIC24FJ 'GP2/GU2' family of low power microcontrollers (MCUs) . The board features PIC24FJ64GU205, which offers 64KB of ECC Flash, 8KB of RAM, 12-bit/400Ksps ADC, 3 analogue comparators along with several Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs) and Full Speed USB 2.0 Host/Device/OTG. The PIC24FJ64GU205 device offers sleep current down to a few hundreds of nA while retaining the complete RAM content and is perfect for extending your battery life in sensor nodes, IoT and portable applications. The development board provides easy access to all features of the PIC24FJ64GU205 for rapid prototyping of your custom design. The board has a target USB connector to develop USB Device application using the integrated USB peripheral available on the PIC24FJ64GU205 MCU. It is supported by MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) development framework.
PIC24FJ64GU205 device with 64KB of ECC Flash and 8KB of RAM in 48-PIN TQFP package
Target USB connector to develop USB device apps using integrated USB peripheral on PIC24FJ64GU205
One user LED (yellow)
One mechanical user switch
Footprint for 32.768KHz crystal
USB powered
MIC5353 LDO regulator controlled by the on-board debugger
1.8-3.6V output voltage
500mA maximum output current (limited by ambient temperature and output voltage)
Curiosity Nano Development Board PIC24FJ64GU205, On-Board Nano Debugger
Производитель Чипа
Архитектура Ядра
Подархитектура Ядра
Номер Ядра Чипа
Название Семейства Чипа
Количество Бит
13.79 €
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