The DM320001 is a PIC32 starter kit. The PIC32 starter kit provides the easiest and low cost method to experience the PIC32 microcontroller. From the over 35 source code examples to the getting started project, user can quickly learn Microchip's 32bit family of microcontrollers and development tools. The kit includes everything needed to write, program, debug and execute code on a high performance PIC32 microcontroller. The PIC32 starter kit contains everything needed to experience the high performance PIC32 microcontroller family. The PIC32 starter kit includes an expansion header for adding Microchip's starter kit expansion-boards or for prototyping your own. Host PC requires Windows XP operating system. Microsoft vista support is planned.
PIC32MX360F512L 32bit microcontroller
Free MPLAB C32 C compiler that compiles up to 64KB of code and no time limits
USB connectivity for on-board debugger communications
Integrated programmer and debugger
Full source based debugging in MPLAB IDE
PIC32 running at 72MHz with 512K flash, 32K RAM, 4 channel DMA
PIC18LF4550 USB microcontroller for on-board debugging
Expansion connector enables addition of Microchip expansion-board
3 user switches and 3 LEDs
On-board crystal for precision microcontroller clocking (8MHz)
Области применения
Промышленное, Потребительская Электроника, Связь и Сеть, Мультимедиа
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