Development Board , PIC24FJ512GU410, 32bit PIC32 MCU
DM240018 is a PIC24F LCD and USB curiosity development board. It is a cost-effective, fully integrated development platform that facilitates you to explore segmented LCD interfacing and various features of the low power PIC24F MCUs with a USB and an integrated LCD controller. Designed from the ground-up to take full advantage of Microchip's MPLAB® X IDE and MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC), the board includes an integrated programmer/debugger and requires no additional hardware, simplifying your prototyping.
On-board LCD panel with backlight
Full speed USB interface
Integrated programmer
debugger with USB interface and COM port
Digital temperature sensor (TC77)
Analog potentiometer, multiple user LED's, RGB LED and switches
32.768KHz secondary OSC for RTCC
Female headers for access to microcontroller I
O pins
Circuit prototyping area
Power sources: USB power, VBAT emulation circuitry with a secondary coin cell
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