The PIC18F57Q43 Curiosity Nano evaluation kit is a hardware platform to evaluate microcontrollers in the PIC18-Q43 family. This board has the PIC18F57Q43 microcontroller (MCU) mounted. Supported by Microchip MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the board provides easy access to the features of the PIC18F57Q43 to explore how to integrate the device into a custom design. With the award-winning MPLAB X integrated development platform and MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC), the kit provides access to the intelligent analogue and core independent peripherals on the PIC18F57Q43.
One mechanical user switch, one yellow user LED
Include an on-board debugger, no external tools are necessary to program and debug PIC18F57Q43
One green power and status LED
USB powered
MIC5353 LDO regulator controlled by the on-board debugger
1.8V to 5.1V output voltage (limited by USB input voltage)
500mA maximum output current
Footprint for 32.768KHz crystal
Virtual COM port (CDC), one logic analyser channel (GPIO)
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