PIC16F18446 curiosity Nano evaluation kit with full program and debug capabilities. With the award-winning MPLAB X integrated development platform and MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) the kit provides access to the intelligent analogue and core independent peripherals on the PIC16F18446. MCC is a free, graphical programming tool to configure the rich set of peripherals and functions specific for application.
PIC16F18446 microcontroller (1 mechanical user switch, 1 yellow user LED and 32.768KHz crystal)
On-board debugger (board identification in Microchip MPLAB X, 1 green power and status LED)
On-board debugger (programming and debugging, virtual COM port, one logic analyser channel)
USB powered
Adjustable target voltage (MIC5353 LDO regulator controlled by the on-board debugger)
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