The DM164141 from Microchip is a MPLAB(R) Xpress PIC16F18345 evaluation board. This MPLAB Xpress PIC16F8345 evaluation board offers seamless integration with Microchip's software tool chain including MPLAB Xpress cloud-based IDE. MPLAB Xpress is an online development environment that contains most popular features of our award winning MPLAB X IDE. This simplified & distilled application is a faithful reproduction of desktop-based program which allows users to easily transition between two environments. The PIC16F18345 MCU is centrepiece of MPLAB Xpress board. The product family features a high level of core independent peripherals that can be combined to perform a wide variety of functions without core. The integration of peripherals, allow for interconnections that bring a new level of interaction between peripherals enabling unsurpassed flexibility in creating functions for a wide range of applications including consumer electronics, IoT and wearable technology applications.
Quick and easy programming
Compact footprint offers flexibility during prototyping phase
Programming of the target device is completed in microseconds with no waiting
Integrates seamlessly with MPLAB Xpress cloud-based IDE, MPLAB code configuration
On-board PIC16F18345 MCU application processor
Integrated drag and drop programmer with USB interface, no drivers required
Power conserving functionality, including idle
doze operating mode
Peripheral module disable (PMD) in addition to XLP low-power technology
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