B-STLINK-ISOL board is an additional module for STLINK-V3SET, performing galvanic isolation and voltage adaptation for STM32 microcontroller targets running below 3.3V down to 1.65V. The module can be enclosed directly in the original STLINK-V3SET casing, when used as an STM32 debugging probe (JTAG/SWD/SWV/VCP) through the STDC14 connector. It can be also inserted between the STLINK-V3SET main board (MB1441) and its adapter board (MB1440) when providing access to bridge signals and other connectors. B-STLINK-ISOL does not support STM8 targets, for which voltage adaptation is performed on the baseline adapter board (MB1440) provided with the STLINK-V3SET.
1.65 V - 3.3 V voltage adapter and galvanic isolation board for STLINK-V3SET
2.5 kVrms insulation rating; 300 Vrms basic insulation working voltage per IEC 62368‑1:2014
output isolation and level shifters for STM32 debug SWD, SWV, and JTAG signals
output isolation and level shifters for VCP Virtual COM port (UART) signals
output isolation and level shifters for bridge (SPI
GPIOs) signals
Closed casing when using the STDC14 connector (STM32 SWD, SWV, and VCP)
Connection compatible with the STLINK-V3SET adapter board for STM32 microcontrollers JTAG and bridge
STMicroelectronics STLINK-V3SET Modular Stand-alone Debugging and Programming Probe
Тип Аксессуара
Isolation and Voltage Adapter Board
I/O Isolation and Level Shifters STM32 debug SWD, SWV and JTAG/Bridge/VCP Virtual COM Port Signals
35.12 €
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