Инструменты разработки датчика положения ADIS16260/PCBZ
The ADIS16260/PCBZ is a "breakout board" that provides ADIS16260BCCZ and interface PCB to simplify the process of "prototyping" during the early stages of system design and evaluation. The ADIS16260BCCZis a fully calibrated, digital MEMS gyroscope, that combine industry leading MEMS and signal processing technology in a single compact package, it provides a serial peripheral interface (SPI) for all digital communications. It is in a 20 lead, LGA package that minimizes board space but does not support typical prototype soldering processes. The interface PCB provides access to the ADIS16260BCCZ, using dual row, 12pin connectors, which supports standard ribbon cable systems and hand soldering connection techniques. The sensor bandwidth switch (50Hz and 330Hz), Bartlett window FIR filter length, and sample rate settings provide users with controls that enable noise vs bandwidth optimization.
Easy connectivity and do not support stand alone functionality
Compact size minimizes the effect on the system and on sensor measurements
A stiff and thick PCB minimizes mechanical effects on sensor, delivering truer sensor measurements
Yaw rate gyroscope with range scaling ±80°
sec, ±160°
sec, and ±320°
sec settings
No external configuration required to start data collection
Factory calibrated sensitivity and bias
SPI compatible serial interface
Relative angle displacement output
Embedded temperature sensor
Programmable operation and control
Области применения
Промышленное, Мониторинг Системы, Медицинское, Считывание и Контрольно-измерительная Аппаратура, Робототехника ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.
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