The IRG4BC40WPBF is an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor designed expressly for switch-mode power supply and PFC (power factor correction) applications. The latest-generation IGBT design and construction offers tighter parameters distribution, exceptional reliability. It features lower switching losses allow more cost-effective operation than power MOSFETs up to 150kHz (hard switched mode). Low conduction losses and minimal minority-carrier recombination make these an excellent option for resonant mode switching as well (up to >300kHz).
Industry-benchmark switching losses improve efficiency of all power supply topologies
50% Reduction of Eoff parameter
Low IGBT conduction losses
Particular benefit to single-ended converters and boost PFC topologies 150W and higher
Области применения
ОВКВ, Потребительская Электроника, Управление Питанием Market demand for this product has caused an extension in lead times, delivery dates may fluctuate
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