The HGTG18N120BND is a 1200V N-channel IGBT with anti-parallel hyper fast diode. It is in a non-punch through (NPT) IGBT design. This NPT series is a new member of the MOS gated high voltage switching IGBT family. IGBT combines the best features of MOSFET and bipolar transistors. This device has the high input impedance of a MOSFET and the low on-state conduction loss of a bipolar transistor. Offers lower conduction loss and lower switching loss for designing high efficiency and reliable systems. On semiconductor offers an extensive portfolio of IGBT devices by various process technologies from 300V to greater than 1200V. Optimized manufacturing process results in better control and repeatability of the top-side structure, resulting in tighter specifications and better EMI performance. This product is general usage and suitable for many different applications.
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