The A3G4250D is a low-power 3-axis Angular Rate Sensor able to provide unprecedented stability at zero rate level and sensitivity over-temperature and time. It includes a sensing element and an IC interface capable of providing the measured angular rate to the external world through a standard SPI digital interface. An I²C-compatible interface is also available. The sensing element is manufactured using a dedicated micro-machining process developed by STMicroelectronics to produce inertial sensors and actuators on silicon wafers. The IC interface is manufactured using a CMOS process that allows a high level of integration to design a dedicated circuit which is trimmed to better match the sensing element characteristics. The A3G4250D has a full scale of ±245dps and is capable of measuring rates with user selectable bandwidth.
16-bit Rate value data output
8-bit Temperature data output
Two digital output lines (interrupt and data ready)
Integrated low and high-pass filters with user selectable bandwidth
Ultra-stable over-temperature and time
Low-voltage-compatible IOs (1.8V)
Embedded power-down and sleep mode
Embedded temperature sensor
Embedded FIFO
High shock survivability
AEC-Q100 qualification
Области применения
Считывание и Контрольно-измерительная Аппаратура, Связь и Сеть, Робототехника, Авто
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