The ICM7218BIJI is a 8-digit LED microprocessor-compatible multiplexed display Decoder Driver with marking. The universal LED driver system provides the circuitry necessary to interface most common microprocessors or digital systems to an LED display. Included on-chip are an 8-byte static display memory, two types of 7-segment decoders, multiplex scan circuitry and high current digit and segment drivers for either common cathode or common anode displays. The 1CM7218B features two control lines which write 8-bit of display input data. Display data is automatically sequenced into the 8-byte internal memory on successive positive going WRITE pulses. Data may be displayed either directly or decoded in Hexadecimal or Code B formats. It features two control lines, 4 separate display data input lines and 3-digit address lines. Display data is written into the internal memory by setting up a digit address and strobing the WRITE line low.
Output drive suitable for LED displays directly
Data retention to 2V Supply
Shutdown turns OFF display and puts chip into low power dissipation mode
Decimal point drive on each digit
Common cathode display
Области применения
Светодиодное Освещение, Визуализация, Видео и Зрение, Потребительская Электроника
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