The LM3402MR/NOPB is a Monolithic Switching Regulator designed to deliver constant currents to high power LEDs. It contains a high-side N-channel MOSFET switch with a current limit of 735mA (typical) for step-down (buck) regulator. Hysteretic control with controlled on-time coupled with an external resistor allow the converter output voltage to adjust as needed to deliver a constant current to series and series-parallel connected arrays of LEDs of varying number and type, LED dimming by pulse width modulation (PWM), broken/open LED protection, low-power shutdown and thermal shutdown complete the feature set.
Integrated 0.5A N-channel MOSFET
Cycle-by-cycle current limit
No control loop compensation required
Separate PWM dimming and low power shutdown
Supports all ceramic-output capacitors and capacitor-less outputs
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