Дочерняя плата , 44-контактный вставной модуль PIC18 MCU, подключается к плате PIC18 Explorer
The MA160014 is a 44-pin PIC18LF45K22 MCU PIM. This PIM plugs into the PIC18 explorer development board (DM183032). Processor plug-In modules are small circuit boards to be used with the various Microchip development boards to evaluate various MCU families. These plug into main processor socket of the development boards so that different microcontrollers can be used for prototyping, demonstration or development. PIC18 explorer board is low-cost demo board for evaluation of PIC18 MCU families. The PIC18 is highest performance 8bit architecture and has three different families, standard PIC18, PIC18 J-series and PIC18 K-series. This single development board supports dozens of the general purpose PIC18 families using various processor Plug-In modules (PIMs). PICtail daughter boards enable many different accessory boards to connect to the PIC18 explorer board for a flexible and complete development environment.
Features 44-pin PIC18LF45K22 MCU
C compiler optimized architecture
instruction set
Data EEPROM of 1024 bytes
Program memory addressing to 64Kbytes, data memory addressing to 4Kbytes
MA160014 PIM supports 16 MIPS operation
16bit wide instructions, 8bit wide data path
Software accessible hardware stack
In-circuit serial programming (ICSP)
Programmable high
low voltage detection (PLVD) module
Области применения
Потребительская Электроника, Промышленное, Медицинское, Авто, Связь и Сеть
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