The MIC5800YN is a 4-bit parallel-input Latched Driver with high-voltage, high-current integrated circuits comprised of CMOS data latches, a bi-polar Darlington transistor driver for each latch and CMOS control circuitry for the common CLEAR, STROBE and OUTPUT ENABLE functions. The bi-polar/MOS combination provides an extremely low-power latch with maximum interface flexibility. Data input rates are greatly improved in these devices. With a 5V supply, they will typically operate at better than 5MHz. With a 12V supply, significantly higher speeds are obtained. The CMOS inputs are compatible with standard CMOS, PMOS and NMOS circuits. TTL or DTL circuits may require the use of appropriate pull-up resistors. The bi-polar outputs is suitable for use with relays, solenoids, stepping motors, LED or incandescent displays and other high-power loads. Both units have open-collector outputs and integral diodes for inductive load transient suppression.
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