The ATF2500C-20PU is a highest-density PLD with its fully connected logic array and flexible macrocell structure, high gate utilization is easily obtainable. The ATF2500C is a high-performance CMOS (electrically-erasable) programmable logic device (PLD) that utilizes electrically-erasable technology. The ATF2500C is organized around a single universal array. All pins and feedback terms are always available to every macrocell. Each of the 38 logic pins are array inputs, as are the outputs of each flip-flop. In the ATF2500C, four product terms are input to each sum term. Furthermore, each macrocell's three sum terms can be combined to provide up to 12 product terms per sum term with no performance penalty. Each flip-flop is individually selectable to be either D- or T-type, providing further logic compaction. Also, 24 of the flip-flops may be bypassed to provide internal combinatorial feedback to the logic array.
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