The AT32UC3B1256-AUT is a 32-bit complete System-On-Chip Microcontroller based on the AVR32 UC RISC processor running at frequencies up to 60MHz. AVR32 UC is a high-performance 32-bit RISC microprocessor core, designed for cost-sensitive embedded applications, with particular emphasis on low power consumption, high code density and high performance. The processor implements a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) and a fast and flexible interrupt controller for supporting modern operating systems and real-time operating systems. Higher computation capability is achieved using a rich set of DSP instructions. The AT32UC3B incorporates on-chip Flash and SRAM memories for secure and fast access. The Peripheral Direct Memory Access controller enables data transfers between peripherals and memories without processor involvement. PDCA drastically reduces processing overhead when transferring continuous and large data streams between modules within the MCU.
Compact single-cycle RISC instruction set including DSP instruction set
Performing up to 1.39DMIPS
Multilayer bus system - High-performance data transfers on separate buses for increased performance
Internal high-speed flash - Single-cycle flash access up to 30MHz
Internal high-speed SRAM - Single-cycle access at full speed
Interrupt controller - Auto vectored low latency interrupt service with programmable priority
System functions - watchdog timer, real-time clock timer
Universal serial bus (USB) - Device 2.0 and embedded host low speed and full speed
One three-channel 16-bit timer
counter (TC)
One 7-channel 20-bit pulse width modulation controller (PWM)
Three universal synchronous
asynchronous receiver
transmitters (USART)
Serial peripheral interface (SPI) with chip select signals
One synchronous serial protocol controller, supports I2S and generic frame-based protocols
Two-wire interface (TWI), 400kBps I²C-compatible
One 8-channel 10-bit analogue-to-digital converter, 384ksps
16bit stereo audio bit stream DAC - sample rate up to 50KHz
QTouch® library support
5V input tolerant I
Os, including 4 high-drive pins
Single 3.3V power supply or dual 1.8 to 3.3V power supply
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